
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I was sitting in a coffee shop  the other day shuffling through my music and I happened to find a song I haven’t heard in years, but I used to love back when I was in middle school. The first chord strummed through my headphones and all of a sudden a flood of nostalgia nearly knocked me over. I was reminded of the me who loved this song. The me who wanted to do so much more. The me who wanted a life full of adventure and excitement and new things everyday. I would look at the characters from the books I read and the shows I watched and long to join them with all my heart. I wanted to be there so badly; to adventure and explore and travel to new places and meet new people and try everything the world had to offer. And now I’m sitting in a coffee shop in Cambodia, traveling all around the world with the coolest people ever, sharing the greatest news I’ve ever heard. I wish the me who loved that song could meet the me in this coffee shop. 

2 responses to “Coffee shop muses”

  1. Yes!! You were made for adventure! God put some wandering feet and a fearless heart in you, for His purpose. I’m so thankful you are following Him wherever He leads.

  2. I know a lot of people would not be joyful where you are now. (Me) I’m like your Uncle Devon, I like the finer things in life. Like hot water, cable TV, washer and dryer etc. But like you said you are living your dreams. It is wonderful when God points the way so clearly and you know He is the one who has made this all come to pass. Sometimes it is difficult to try to get the right message but I think we all know this is something most young people would not choose to do your life right now. God has done many things to prepare you for this. Such as sending you the right parents, raised in the right atmosphere and the rest of your Christian relatives. Miss Terry and I went to see your Grandmother this week. Although she does not remember day to day she remembers her family and us in that moment. We are praying for you. All the older people in this church who all watched you grow up to the person you are today. We feel like we might have had a small part in your life even if it is just a prayer.